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Summarized Vision:

The Vision of the Holy Mackerels is through the Eyes of Faith, trusting in the Teach­ing Ma­gis­ter­i­um of the Roman Catholic Church. We share the vis­ion of Pope Francis' prayer for "a cul­ture of dia­logue, lis­tening, and mu­tu­al re­spect." In an increasingly ungodly and ma­ter­ial world, amid direct threats to religious freedom, we envision a capable, confident Catholic la­ity re­spond­ing with an artic­ulate voice of reasoning Faith, enabled by the teach­ing and spir­i­tual sup­port of the Church and facilitated, in some part, by technical com­mu­n­ica­tions skill de­vel­op­ment pro­vided by a national sys­tem of secular but de­vout­ly Catholic communicator de­vel­op­ment clubs.

Expanded Vision:

The Vision of the Holy Mackerels is through the Eyes of Faith as reflected in the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed, seeking all that is seen and un­seen, of God and humanity, of the universe and eternity, limited by nat­ur­al hor­i­zons and mortality, and trusting in the Teaching Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church.

Our vision is a Catholic vision, of Catholic people devoted and loyal to God, to truth, and to all human beings as brothers and sisters, beloved children of the same heavenly Father, including those who themselves do not yet share such vision or return such commitments.

Within that vision, we see the need publicly prayed for by Pope Francis, "that a culture of dialogue, listening. and mutual respect may prevail among peop­les." With the need to pray, we see a respon­si­bil­ity to per­son­ally con­trib­ute to the dialogue, in our speaking and in our listening, in a manner that cul­ti­vates understanding and mutual respect.

Our vision of the world today is of one continuing on a course of cul­tur­al ac­cep­tance of attitudes and behaviors counter to Catholic mor­ality and harm­ful to both individuals and society itself, of direct social, political, and legal chal­len­ges to the institution of the Church itself and religious free­dom, such im­mor­al­ity, danger, and challenge intensified and accelerated by advances in com­mu­n­ica­tions tech­nol­ogy and inno­va­tions in social media.

Finally, our vision is also of opportunity, witnessing the workings of the Holy Spir­it among God's people in many faiths, guiding the good in them to over­come fear, rise to the chal­lenges, resist the im­mor­ality, and speak the truth. We see also among them, in the often won­der­ful di­versity of peoples, cul­tures, and ideas, inevitable differences in inter­preta­tions of where even good rests, and the rise of rivalries and misunderstanding, all with good inten­tion. Yet, we see opportunity here in even the disruption of diversity where the "culture of dialogue, listening, and mutual respect" en­vis­ioned by the Holy Father promises not merely resolution, but un­der­stand­ing, innovation, and gal­van­ized action. Providently, one particular secular institution employs such a cultural dynamic in both context and content of training individ­uals in their ability to communicate at all levels from intimate exchanges to public speak­ing. Our specific vision is of the opportunity to enlist that successful train­ing approach in helping Catholic laity develop the ability and confidence to personally and pub­licly ar­tic­u­late their faith.